Wednesday 25 October 2017

ArcSight Connector: Moving Data via a Map file

Map files can be used to run additional processing on event data. Sometimes I want to keep the original field untouched but run run some extra processing or extract information into another field.

The location of this file will be $ArcSight_Connector_Location$\current\user\agent\map\
The file will be titled, X being the next iteration of map file you have. By default 1 and 2 already exist so it's safe to name the file

In this scenario I want to move data from deviceCustomString1 to requestContext. I have some firewall events which present the Context in deviceCustomString4 but my Rules are looking for this data in requestContext. The file looks like this:


The .* in red is the RegEx string. This example will take everything in deviceCustomString1 and dump it into requestContext.

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